What's shaking, Pinocchio? A/k/a, you lied at work? Got caught. Went back to your desk. And then....#life?

What's shaking, Pinocchio? A/k/a, you lied at work? Got caught. Went back to your desk. And then....#life?

Likely, nothing. Think what you will about that answer, but very likely there will be no change, or at least not now. Or at all - which may be worse.

This article is less about untruth telling as it is about shame. About how we live aflame of resilience and actually enjoy the experience of the fall. Dante was not wrong about that.

When we are children, there is little morality as our track record is in infancy - rather than ‘bouncing back’ we just keep going. However, age offers stretch marks on every surface, thus we walk smaller from each hiccup. This is not due to confidence, or lack of, but rather fucking wisdom. Living is learning. Thus the falls are worn closer than the wins, as falls hurt and hurting wears. Winning is short lived.

OK, so here you are - whether it be over a faked sick day, a tale of a call or research completed in fantasy. Perhaps experience exaggerated or just made up. Training you failed that you said you aced. You did not use all the creamer or never steal supplies. Totally did not leave the copier on or misunderstood the instructions, did not get the email. Who cares?

I don’t. What is curious is why you are in a community where lying is surviving. Not them, but you. What is it about sneaky that works?

Pure disclosure - I am not great with mandates. I jaywalk. I bring my dog everywhere. I leave early. I stay late. I get it. I am not above, but I am important. Can’t you see that?

What is the bigger aim here? Well, looks like it is in ownership and not only the proper muscular for apology, but the resilience to admit you did it or didn’t.

I ask each of you lovely persons to stand arm and arm with me and say:  “I lied”, or 

“I apologize without meaning it”- at the very least.

Or, something like:

“The ask is not something I misunderstand, but the patience is something I lack. That is not a failure, though the mistruth was the incorrect solution. However, my intolerance of the inquiry and/or system is something we as a community/corporation can learn from. Why is it pithy? Why is it dismissable? I am good at what I do, and other than this F-up - valued at my post. let's take this zinger as a moment for community reflection, shall we?”

In my Coaching: I talk a great deal about “Legacy Making”. That is not a gimmick - that is longevity. Listen up: strong Characters make healthy careers. There is a whiplash of changes and scenarios out there. Sticking to THE (not your, nor theirs, but THE) truth is what shall get you through.

  • Fess up - others are watching - we do what we do to save our afternoons and asses, as such, but future recruiters, references, colleagues, bosses, and those who are likely to keep you in mind as they ascend are watching.

  • Honesty is about Culture Building. We lay the foundations we ask others to uphold. Too dishonest work environments beget dishonest employees - if you find yourself susceptible or, even falling prey - be a truthful trailblazer. You’ll make the impression you want with those worth and wise enough to take note. For the eye rollers - that alone identifies them as those you will NOT take with you.

  • Can’t do it? Sometimes candor is not prudent. The can of worms is not worth letting loose. I hear that. Don’t stand in stagnation! Return to your Legacy - say to yourself:

    • I am a person who participates in and encourages betrayal

    • I am a person who exemplifies honesty. I work and facilitate honesty. I am honest. I have nothing to hide. 

Who are you? This is no small thing - this is the backbone that keeps you steady in the interview, at the presentation, boardroom, classroom - at the altar. Everything is ripple worthy. 

How can this help you at work (and thereby in life?) Read more @ Legacy Making on the Site! (More to come!)

Insane? No, trailblazing. Front end everything. Ownership is to success like eggs are to  bacon. Smell that $h*t and chow the F down! 

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Success Recipe #1: Eat Rejection for Breakfast.

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